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Frieda Shube (Selby Food Hub)
Case studies   >   Frieda Schube

Selby Food Hub: Working with Frieda Shube, leading to collaborate with Westminster Kingsway College

Frieda Shube has been one of the first volunteers that we mobilised since the start of lockdown when we initiated the Selby Food Hub, due to the original Haringey Food Bank being unable to operate at that time.


Her dedication and enthusiasm through her volunteering has been highly helpful and essential to set positive path to our successful operation.


Frieda came to volunteer with us when she was placed on furlough and was subsequently made redundant 3 months later. We continued to work closely with her and support her in every way possible.


Frieda said that:

“  Volunteering at the Food hub gave her a sense of purpose and helped her get through the difficult time. We also helped her to gain more skills in community organising, and helped her to initiate her own projects relating to Mental Health Support for the community. “


She now works at Westminster Kingsway College and has even enabled us to enter into a partnership collaboration where the college has run a food donation and Volunteer's support appeal back in December 2020 that Has been very successful: 

January 2021 Westminster Kingsway College Newsletter.


And it didn’t stop here - mentored and coached by Moussa Amine Sylla, Frieda has been attending weekly meetings with other key community organisations and community leaders in the area, to discuss and identify key concerns within our communities. Together, we  started collectively looking at how we can produce services that enable people from Haringey to enhance their Health and Wellbeing going toward a new normal situation.


These meetings led to the delivery of weekly Mental health and wellbeing sessions since September 2020 - ongoing, run by Frieda with technical support provided by Selby Food Hub and continuous coaching by Moussa. As well as the creation of a video with top tips on how to take care of your mental health at this time, for the "Stay Warm, Stay Well Week" online Festival coordinated by Haringey Reach & Connect , a Public Voice Uk programme,  and  Haringey Advice Partnership.


See video link below on the Haringey Reach and Connect YouTube channel. 


We are still helping Frieda and have signposted her to the School of Social Entrepreneur programme:  Haringey Future Communities, are acting as mentor and supporting her to develop her social enterprise.

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