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Haringey unveils ‘gold standard’ plan for new homes and hub in Tottenham

A plan for homes, a community space and leisure facilities in Tottenham has been unveiled, with Haringey Council teaming up with the Selby Trust to deliver a new urban village.

The scheme, which sees the council working hand in hand with the community to deliver for our residents, demonstrates how the council intends to deliver future regeneration schemes in the borough.

Still in the early stages, the Selby Urban Village will deliver at least 200 new homes, with an expectation that at least half of these will be council homes at council rents.

There will be a new purpose-built Selby Centre community hub that will continue to deliver vital services and there are also proposals for new sports and recreation facilities in the adjacent Bull Lane playing fields.

The project will seek to optimise social, economic, environmental and financial value and social rented housing is a priority.

In March 2019, the council and Selby signed a Memorandum of Understanding which set out joint aspirations and new ways of working to ensure the successful re-provision and development of the Selby site.

Following agreement from cabinet last night, Masterplanners have been appointed to commence design proposals and will start engagement with the current providers and users of the Selby Centre as well as the local community to feed into these designs, with a preferred design option presented in the autumn of 2020.

Councillor Joseph Ejiofor, Leader of Haringey Council, said: “The Selby Urban Village project is the first regeneration project that this administration has been involved with from the beginning. It is our gold standard when it comes to delivering change in the borough.

“It will deliver homes, community facilities and business space to help our current residents and communities thrive. It shows exactly how we intend to work with local communities in the future; where change takes place, it will be in partnership with those communities affected – and for their benefit.

“Both the council and the Selby Trust are committed to working together to ensure the urban village delivers for our diverse ethnic and social communities and I am thrilled it has taken this great step forward.”

The chair of the Selby Trust committee, Mr Edward Ihejirika added: “For the Selby Trust this is a great opportunity to explore and improve the existing provision for our local community. We want to create an integrated, inclusive, healthy, sustainable, diverse, connected urban village on the site.

“Working with the council and our partners we’re excited to be part of the co-design and delivery of the village including the new building in which the Trust and it’s users can really thrive and continue to be a valued asset to the community.”

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