Happy New Year from Selby ABC 🎉🥊
Thank you to our volunteers, our members and all of our supporters, we appreciate every single one of you and we wish you all a very happy 2021. Hope is on the horizon and hopefully it’s not too long before we can get back into action and KO Covid-19 🥊♥️ Please join our FREE online sessions, we have 13 classes per week in January starting on Monday 4th January, for adults and for kids. All welcome ( members and non members), if you need help setting up please contact us. For access to all of our online sessions, here is the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9314684801 As you know, we must remain closed in tier 4 but will keep you posted on when we can reopen the club on our website and Instagram @selbyabc1
