The Northumberland Park Partnership Board (NPPB) is a partnership Board of residents who live in the Northumberland Park Ward, who have been formed for the purposes of enabling local people, community and organisations to access funds, to provide projects for the benefit of residents living in the Ward.
The Board was successful in partnership with Haringey Council in securing a total of £210,000 grant funding to distribute, of which £180,000 is from the DCLG Transformation Challenge Award Grant and £30,000 is from a community health improvement initiative – Well Communities (Well London) – all of which is to benefit the Northumberland Park ward area.
The Board have appointed The Selby Trust to administer and monitor the grant funds.
We are now inviting funding applications to address the key priorities for the London Borough of Haringey, and the Northumberland Park ward specifically, under the main headings of:
1. Outstanding for all:
Priority 1: Enable every child and young person to have the best start in life, with high quality education
Priority 2: Enable all adults to live healthy, long and fulfilling lives
2. Clean and Safe:
Priority 3: A clean, well maintained and safe borough where people are proud to live and work
3. Sustainable Housing, Growth and Employment:
Priority 4: Drive growth and employment from which everyone can benefit
Priority 5: Create homes and communities where people choose to live and are able to thrive
Our funding streams will be split into:
Large Grants: Between £10,000 – £40,000 can be awarded per project
Small Grants:
Between £500 - £3,000 per project for Priority 2
Between £1,000 to £5,000 per project for all other Priority areas
3. Seedling Grants: Between £1000 – £5,000. This funding strand is specifically for those individuals able to work with a voluntary and community sponsoring organisation willing to support their idea.
Application Deadlines The deadlines for completed applications, including all supporting documentations, are as follows:
3rd February 2017: Deadline for Large Grants Applications
10 February 2017: Deadline for Small Grants Applications
4th March 2017: Participatory Budgeting Event: Community Voting (Small Grants)
10th March 2017: Deadline for Seedling Grants Applications
Late applications will not be accepted.
Please ensure you read the guidance thoroughly before starting your application.
Please email queries to: NPPB@selbytrust.co.uk
We are hosting a series of support workshops (Link to booking no longer available)
Or click links below for individual relevant sections of the pack
Funding Application Seedling: Latest word format | Older word format
Funding Application Small and Large Grants: Latest word format | Older word format
