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The Selby Trust is an advocate for Retrofit Works!

Following on from the promotion we did in partnership with Haringey council to offer free Green Deal Assessments, The Selby Centre in partnership with The Community Energy Lab is supporting and championing a new builders cooperative ‘Retrofitworks’ that is designed to overcome some of the hurdles to retrofit that many householders and landlords come across. The aims of the co-op is 2 fold; streamlining and simplifying the process for householders so that rough costs on various works can be gathered before even one site visit has been carried out, and giving small local builders access to work being carried out under the Green Deal.

Funding for Retrofitting Homes

Currently there is funding available for householders looking to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The funding can cover about 75% of the cost of the work undertaken, or more than that in some cases so if you are interested please call 020 7527 8274, and quote Selby.

We hope by supporting Retrofitworks we can drive uptake of retrofit to homes in the borough, making people more comfortable, less vulnerable to fuel poverty and reduce carbon emissions. We are also interested in helping local builders join the co-operative, so that they can be part of the change that needs to happen to our existing housing stock in the borough to make it fit for the future.

Russell Smith, Director of RetrofitWorks and Managing Director of Parity Projects, said: “At RetrofitWorks’ core will be a local, reliable, network of retrofit practitioners covering all areas of advice, design and installations and a process of engagement with clients that they have designed alongside community groups and local authorities. All of these organisations own the model and benefit collectively from it.” quote from the UK Green Building Council Article, Dated 2nd July 2014

To find out more follow this link 

Or if you are interest in carrying out work call 020 7527 8274, and quote Selby.

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