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Selby Food Hub Coordinator appointed!

Sally Sturgeon is a consummate Community Champion. She has a deep affinity with and passion for Tottenham and it's residents and has been active in her local community in Haringey for over 35 years, facilitating and delivering successful grassroots projects with young people and families.

She is also the Co-Ordinator of a multi-award winning Carnival Costume Band and Chair of Trustees at a local community centre.

Most recently she has been employed at the Selby Trust as a Community Organiser working with new migrants and assisting them with their integration into life in Haringey as part of Haringey’s Connected Communities programme.

Since April 2020 Sally has been instrumental in initiating and sustaining the Selby Food Hub, developed with other Community Organisers as a food provision in response to Covid 19, but with the overall objective to alleviate hardship for so many in the Tottenham community and beyond.

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Nov 20, 2020

Garlic acid is very beneficial for the body. The garlic can provide the immunity to the cells to fight against the various dreadful diseases. The different recipes use the garlic and assignment writing services describes the benefits of the garlic, which can make the food digestive and healthy.

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