This week (1st - 7th June 2015) is Volunteers Week and the Selby Trust is excited to celebrate the contribution so many people who volunteer with us.
Last year, over 260 people volunteered a staggering 4658 hours with the Selby Trust. This included people working in the office assisting with the general running of the Trust to people volunteering their time specifically on projects that directly benefitted the local community, including Good Advice Haringey and Positive Youth News Haringey.
Volunteering is a fantastic way for people to give back directly to their community, using skills they feel comfortable with or wish to develop" Said Sona Mahtani, CEO of the Selby Trust We are very grateful for the time people give to the Selby Trust, everyone from our Trustee Board to Corporate Organisations who give up their weekend to help us maintain our garden
The Selby Trust is currently recruiting for a number of volunteer positions and will be at the Tottenham Volunteer Fair hosted by Team London at 639 High Road on Wednesday 3rd June from 11am - 2pm.