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Complete our survey

As you may already know there are proposals to renovate the Selby Centre site and to include a new, improved community building. The Selby Centre will first and foremost continue to host its current organisations but it will also modernise and upgrade facilities for the local people. Its design will be flexible to ensure future needs of the community can continue to be met.

The Council owns the Selby site (and the adjacent Bull Lane site). The Council’s Planning Policy has identified the Selby Site for redevelopment and this is now been looked at in conjunction with the Bull Lane Site. Both sites have the potential to deliver on the Council’s housing, leisure and social impact priorities for the borough.

The Selby Trust welcomes the opportunity as it also sees the need for change and new buildings will be more flexible, modern and cheaper and more efficient to run. The council and the Selby Trust are working together to ensure the community is at the heart of this transformation.

The long term vision for the Selby Centre and Bull Lane sites is to

“To create an integrated, inclusive, healthy, sustainable, diverse, connected urban village” on the site. Ideally, this will have a mix of uses including housing, workspace, community space, sports leisure and green space. Social rented housing is a priority. The Selby will be retained on site, with a long-term leasehold interest, to save community networks and continue delivering vital services and local social impact.

We can’t do this without your input. Please help us find out more about how often you visit and use the centre as it will help us to plan our future.

There will also be more opportunities to engage at a later stage when we have designs but right now we are working hard to understand how the centre is used so please complete the form on the following link. It will only take 10 minutes.

The survey is now closed.

Closing Date: 14th February 2020

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